With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation developing rapidly we CAN assure you of this:
• We have specialist and technical resources available to help you run your business effectively
• We are 100% equipped to handle the inevitable changes with NO disruption to our service
• We are confident that our staff and infrastructure will continue to provide superb quality of service
• That the health and safety of our employees, clients, partners, and suppliers is a top priority for us here at Hard Hat Recruits
• We are limiting non-essential face-to-face meetings, whilst continuing to connect with you digitally
• We are putting a hold on all business-related travel indefinitely – we have operated digitally for many years after building superb relationships
• We have significant experience of working successfully through crisis and supporting our clients
We believe in loyalty and relationships and so look forward to supporting you throughout what may be a difficult time. Please give us a call – we are here for all your staffing and resourcing needs.
Tel: 09 282 3156
Alison Gill
Managing Director